Why Us

Once available only to the Police and Enforcement agencies around the world. We now provide the first commercially available Polygraph / Lie-detector tests accredited with ISO 9001:2008 in Singapore
People lie all the time and for different reasons. When people lie, they show it in different ways. Polygraph / Lie-detector tests take this basic concept and create a measurable way of recording people’s reactions to questions. The Polygraph / Lie-detector tests can be used for internal investigation, abuse cases , violence related cases, commercial theft, pre-employment screening or just for the need to proof or find out the truth.
All Polygraph / Lie-detector tests are done in very confidential manner and the reports are provided only to the requested party.
We are the first Singapore government-licensed Polygraph / Lie-detector tester accredited with ISO 9001: 2008. Our polygraphists are approved by the International bodies such as American Polygraph Association and Singapore Association of Polygrapher.
We offer polygraph exams, lie detection or lie detector test to Individual Client, Law Firms, Insurance firms, Employment agencies and Multi-National Corporations in the Local and Asia Pacific Region and extended to the enforcement department.